Sunday, December 22, 2013

Our Hope. Our Salvation. Our security.

1 Peter chapter 1

     I struggled with the doctrine of eternal security for years. I personally think that God allowed me to have that struggle for my own good. It wasn’t until I had lived a bit of a hard life, and survived my own madness, that I finally reached that “certain place” where I knew having everything was nothing if I didn’t have God. And it was then, after being raised in a Christian home, and having been “saved” and baptized before I was even a teenager, and depended on knowing my Bible to keep me in line, for reasons I can’t explain and really don’t know myself, I turned aside and lived in rebellion. Then, at 30 something years old, I had that epiphany, that realization that I was lost. That is when I finally gave myself completely to God. I fell at His feet and asked for mercy. And mercy He gave me. It wasn’t until after all these things that the Holy Spirit led me through the Scriptures and showed me these verses.

     Here is our promise of the security of our salvation. We see in verse 3 that we are saved by "His great mercy". We have been "born again". The resurrection of Christ is the proof to us that we too will be raised from death. We are "protected by the power of God" (verse 5). Why are we protected? Why are we born again? Because of our "faith for a salvation". So the outcome of our faith is the salvation of our souls (verse 9). And what will this cause us to do? It will cause us to be "obedient" (verse 14) and "holy" (verse 15) during "the time of your stay on earth" (verse 17). Because we were redeemed not by "imperishable things" but by the "precious" blood of Christ (verses 18 and 19). And so we remain obedient, and "fervently love one another from the heart" (verse 22) Because this was brought to us by God's grace and mercy through the "imperishable, living and enduring word of God" (verse 23). This is the Holy Spirit at work within us. Amen.

     The doctrine of eternal security does not become a “license to sin” if you truly have faith in the risen Lord and God the Heavenly Father. It becomes one more reason to praise God and to live in total abandon for Him. It truly does become a “joy inexpressible”.

May you be blessed and may God’s peace dwell upon you.

EV. W. Shannon Caplinger

Friday, November 22, 2013

The bond of Love

     I was reading a devotion today that was taken from 1 John 4:7. The idea of the devotion was that we have to know God in order to be able to have a true unconditional love for others. And as Christians, that is exactly how we are supposed to be toward those around us. 1 John 4:7 says, “Beloved, let us love one another, for love is from God; and everyone who loves is born of God and knows God.” In other words, we have to be true born again believers and followers of Jesus in order to have this kind of love. Not only that, but we are also commanded to share that love with those around us, Christian or not.
     This got me to thinking about what the Apostle Paul said in 2 Corinthians 6:14. “Do not be bound together with unbelievers; for what partnership have righteousness and lawlessness, or what fellowship has light with darkness?” This verse is especially true of marriage. Should a Christian marry a non-believer? No. Why? Because we are yoking our self with unrighteousness. This is a serious matter for Christians to consider. So you “fall in love” with someone. That is just a feeling. It will come and go no matter what you do. Real love is a decision, a commitment. This is an oath we make to choose to love someone through thick and thin. This implies the unconditional love that only God has. And the only way we can share it is if His Spirit is alive in us. So by this we understand that an unsaved person in incapable of making this commitment. He or she does not have that kind of love to give. And we all want our spouse to love us like that. So dating, becoming engaged or getting married is a bad idea when it concerns the bond of a believer to a non-believer. This is asking for trouble. No marriage is perfect. And if God is not at the center of a marriage then when the storms of life hit they will hit hard.
     Just some food for thought.
     Be blessed.

     Ev. W. Shannon Caplinger

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

The Word of God

I think it’s amazing how much the Bible will speak to you when you really get into it. I have studied the Bible since I was a teenager. I have read it cover to cover more than three times. And I study it every day. And every time I get into a passage I see something more that I didn’t notice the last time. I was recently re-reading Romans and realized I needed to come to terms with what Paul was really saying in Chapters 9-11. So after some prayer and diligent study the Spirit showed me what I was overlooking. I am now doing the same thing with the Gospel according to Matthew. And the process has opened yet another door that has clarified doctrine I wasn’t grasping. This book we call the Bible doesn’t just contain God’s words, it IS God’s Word. It is alive and speaks to us. And it staggers my mind when atheists claim to have read it and still insist it’s just a fairytale. Lord remove the scales from their eyes. Amen.

Friday, September 27, 2013

Carolina Camping Crusade

The trip was great. God was with us as always. We got to see some great things, meet some cool people, and God taught us a few things along the way. It was also the first Road trip with the Evangelist Bus. Things went pretty smooth. We had some bugs to work out but the new roof didn’t leak and the engine and transmission held up great. In Columbia South Carolina we watched the next wave of young men and women graduate basic training at Fort Jackson. We also witnessed 18 people become Americans the right way. Then in Huntington Beach State Park I was privileged to take my wife and girl to see the ocean for the first time. We met a guy who played bagpipes with a group from Charlotte North Carolina. I attempted to share the Gospel with him but as it turned out he and his wife are Baptists too. Kinda funny who the Spirit leads you to sometimes. I do know that someone was interested because while we were out on one of our walks around the campgrounds someone was in the prayer tent looking through the literature. I’m sure because they moved my reading glasses off of the Bible. We also left our contact information with Park Management. So there could be a door open there in the future. Right now we are praying we will be able to raise the money to make one more excursion before winter. It’s hard running a ministry out of pocket when the pockets are shallow. But the LORD will provide. And we are truly blessed.


Revival Report

I’m a little late posting the news about the revival because it ran back to back with the Carolina trip. But in short I was surprised. The turnout was less than expected. And supporters I thought would be there never showed. But for those of us who were there we were blessed with God’s presence. We were able to worship our God on the Courthouse Square without any interference. We enjoyed beautiful music and good messages. Pastor Jim Gross was especially on the mark as he spoke directly to us about our role in the Revival of our community. And God spoke to me and showed me that just because people say they want revival doesn’t mean that they really do. And if revival is going to start in our community it will be with much prayer, the divine blessing of God, the convicting touch of the Holy Spirit, and the focused effort of the remnant. So the prayer walks continue, and the real work begins.


Sunday, August 18, 2013

Evangelism Bus

Well after much prayer we decided that we needed to be better prepared for possible extended road work in our ministry. We know God has called us to evangelize at various campgrounds along the way. We still just aren't sure what part of our ministry will be at the center. When we started this we thought that the campground ministry would be the core of our work. And that still could well be the case. It's all in God's hands. But we definitely have felt led that a self-contained motor coach will be more efficient in the long run. So now instead of the 2001 Jayco travel-trailer, we have the 1994 Rockwood Bayport RV. We are really looking forward to giving it a good test run next month after the revival. But for now we have a bit of tinkering to do and maybe some unexpected repair work to do, depending on what decisions are made at the dealership where we got it. But that too is in God's hands. My God has blessed me with a cool "Evangelism Bus". And I've got a great wife who is my "help-mate" in ministry, two beautiful girls I'm quite proud of, the most loving mom, a terrific sister, a really cool nephew, the best friends, and a church family I love dearly. And I'm just happy to be able to serve a God who is not just the only real God, but is also the God who formed me for fellowship and who looks down from His throne and sees me as someone He should look after. That is an awe inspiring thought. Peace and blessings.

Ev. W. Shannon Caplinger

Monday, August 12, 2013

Revival News

Things are beginning to come together nicely for the upcoming Coshocton City Revival on September 13th and 14th. So far there are three confirmed speakers, Pastor Paul Schwab of Coshocton Baptist, Pastor Jim Gross of Word Worship Center, and myself, W. Shannon Caplinger. There is a maybe on the table for the fourth speaker and if we don't get a confirmation on that we will continue to look and the Lord will send the right man. As for the musical performances, all of the spots have been filled with one last maybe still on the table. The City Council has granted us use of the gazebo on the corner of Fourth and Main where we begin our Prayer Walks, which are also growing. We still need to make arrangements for sound reinforcement but that shouldn't be a problem. And we are beginning to see the Spirit moving in the community as well as our home church. Revival is going to happen in Coshocton! It is beginning in certain individuals and spreading through churches. And in another month it will spill out on the town square. And that's just the way God said it would happen. We continue to pray expectantly.
Peace and Blessings.

Ev. W. Shannon Caplinger

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Return to the Pulpit

Well I'm Happy to report that everything went smoothly on my return to the pulpit on August 4th. The regular Praise and Worship team wasn't there that day so a couple of the ladies led the songs and we had good old-fashioned hymns with a piano. The sermon was based on Mark 16:15. The Title was Preach the Gospel (Use words because you have to). It was well received and people were surprised to find out I can preach. My mom finally got to hear me from the pulpit and she was proud. My sister thought I was impressive. And the guys from my Monday morning men's share group were excited too. All in all I felt really good about it. And I can't wait to get the chance to do it again.. But the truth is this; I could have never got up there and talked in front of all those people and talked for 45 minutes if it wasn't God holding my hand all the way. In high-school I got more than one "F" for refusing to do an oral report. This is just the kind of thing I was preaching about. When God says "Speak", we have to trust Him enough to speak. It doesn't matter if it is in front of thousands of people or talking quietly with one person. It is about being obedient to God. And it is about making the Gospel message known to all people. All for His honor and glory Amen.

Ev. W. Shannon Caplinger

Saturday, July 20, 2013

God is marking out our steps.

As we continue to move forward with the ministry God is calling us into we can see the evidence of His involvement. This week I was invited to a men’s leadership meeting at church. The big outcome of the meeting is that we are going to be in fervent prayer. I was to the point about the fact that we cannot expect God to revive our church if we aren’t willing to pray. It all has to be bathed in prayer. Charles Spurgeon was asked to what did he attribute his success as a preacher, other than God? His reply was “The Boiler Room”. In the basement of the Metropolitan Tabernacle was a large room under the pulpit. It is said that on some Sundays there were 500 people sitting there while he preached upstairs. And they spent the service praying for the Spirit to be there.
The next day I was talking to my friends at the Good News Bookstore. My wife pointed out a new book and said that it looked like it was what I had talked about the night before. We put the book down and I took my wife to work. I decided to go back and get the book. But when I got back to the store I was handed a letter. In short, my wife and I were being asked to come alongside the bookstore as prayer partners and we were given a copy of that same book I was there to buy. The book is called’ “The Circle Maker” by Mark Batterson. I picked my wife up from work and drove straight back to the book store. We stood in the store with two of our friends there and one other member of the prayer partner team and we held hands and prayed. I felt God moving as much right then as I have in any church service in a long time.
Next I felt the Spirit moving me to organize a Community Revival. That is in the works and I will post more on that later. But while talking that plan over with my wife I just suddenly felt compelled to go on a Prayer Walk the next morning. I shot out a few invites on FaceBook and at 7am Saturday morning I met with my mom, our associate Pastor, and another local Pastor. We walked around the County Courthouse while we prayed for revival in our community, our churches, and our lives. My wife and a few others who were unable to attend were praying for us at the same time. Once again, despite our small numbers, God spoke. And the four of us agreed to meet bimonthly and commit to praying for Revival. And we expect the numbers to grow as we continue to dedicate ourselves to seeing God’s Holy Spirit move in our town.
And I will end with what is exciting news for me. We have been taking steps in our ministry to follow God and now, we have organized a not-for-profit religious organization named, the “Have God Will Travel Evangelism Association”. We have finally launched our official website at and are seeing the page views climb daily. God is blessing our efforts. And we continue to be a witness, a testimony, an example, or a blessing to others. Our ongoing goal is to bring honor and glory to His great name. Amen.
Peace and blessings,

Ev. W. Shannon Caplinger

Prayer Walk

Today (7/20/2013) we had our first Coshocton City Prayer Walk. It was just an idea that God put on my heart yesterday afternoon. We didn't have much of a turnout. But for such short notice it was enough. Matthew 18:20 says. "For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them". We found that out today. There were four of us representing three local churches. And despite our small gathering God was there and He was speaking to us. We decided to make it a bimonthly event. So we will meet at the gazebo on the corner of Fourth and Main on August 3rd at 7am. We hope to see this event grow over the next few months. We are praying for Revival in our community, in our churches, and in our lives. Thanks to Associate Pastor Mike Walters from Coshocton Baptist, Pastor Jim Gross from Word Worship Center, and Wilda Caplinger from First Baptist. Hope to see you all again in two weeks...and bring a friend. (Next time I'll try to sneak a few pics of the group.) Peace and blessings. - (Shannon)

Sunday, July 14, 2013

Rolling Thunder

This trip was interesting. We didn't get many open doors for one-on-one evangelism, but that's the thing about this kind of ministry. You never know when or where the doors will open. But we did experience a God-moment. We went to a memorial ceremony by the "Rolling Thunder" chapter 5 of Ohio. They have a traveling memorial wall dedicated to P.O.W./M.I.A. awareness. During part of the ceremony the bagpipes were playing "Amazing Grace". That's when I noticed a man with his hand raised in praise. As soon as the ceremony was over I tracked him down and we had a good talk. His name was Charlie. We talked about missions and about evangelism. It turns out that his dad was a missionary in Alaska for many years. After we had finished our talk Charlie wanted to pray. So we all held hands together, (6 of us) and Charlie prayed. There we were...praying right out in the open. Unashamed. And Unthreatening. There were veterans, family members, general onlookers, and this was during a Native American Dance contest. And there we were, with Charlie praying on. The point is this; sometimes the Spirit opens doors and lets us talk to people one-on-one. But sometimes He has a different plan in mind. We just need to follow Him. There is no way of knowing whose life was touched seeing us pray. But I know many people watched. And so thank you Charlie, wherever you are. I hope we meet again in this life. But if we don't I'll be looking for you in the next. May God bless you Charlie. And thank you Rolling Thunder. - (Shannon)

Thursday, July 11, 2013

God’s Hand

I have been seeing a lot in the past week or two just how much God is moving His hand in the life of my family and in my own life personally. A lot of this has been answered prayer. Some of it has been expected since I am certain my wife and I are truly pursuing His will. But there are some who believe that God just sits in Heaven and watches us try to work things out. Those poor deists are missing the boat.  I have never been one of those. Just wasn’t raised that way. Matthew 7:7-8 “Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives, and he who seeks finds, and to him who knocks it will be opened.”
The surprises come, like the time last week, my wife and I were talking about the monthly budget and how tight the money was this month. We were getting a little stressed and it was time for a break. (Yep. It happens to all of us. Walking in faith is a challenge sometimes.) So I went down to check the mail. What did I find? I found an unexpected check for enough money to balance out the budget for the rest of the month! The lesson? The LORD will provide. Genesis 22:7-8 “Isaac spoke to Abraham his father and said, “My father!” And he said, “Here I am, my son.” And he said, “Behold, the fire and the wood, but where is the lamb for the burnt offering?” Abraham said, “God will [a]provide for Himself the lamb for the burnt offering, my son.” So the two of them walked on together.” How easy it is to forget that when we start getting stressed.
A number of incidents recently have pointed me to see God’s hand at work. But yesterday was probably the most dramatic. I got a phone call. Loved ones were in a wreck. It wasn’t pretty. I raced to the scene, half of me worried sick, the other half calmly praying for all to be well. It turned out that the car was a total loss. But both of my girls escaped with minor cuts and bruises. I was moved to immediate praise to my God. And I was reminded of two critical verses. Isaiah 65:24 “It will also come to pass that before they call, I will answer; and while they are still speaking, I will hear.” God listened to my prayers. But He answered them before I even knew to pray them. His angels were there on the scene long before I got the phone call. And of course this one goes through my mind a lot. Jeremiah 32:27 “Behold, I am the Lord, the God of all flesh; is anything too difficult for Me? And how thankful I am that there is indeed nothing too hard for my God.

Peace and blessings,

Evangelist  W. Shannon Caplinger

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Trial Run

We took our camper on a trial run to Wolf Run State Park for a weekend in May 2013. Everything checked out good. And we had a much needed time of relaxation and contemplation on God's mission for us. While we were there we met some really nice people. A club dedicated to micro-campers was there that weekend. (Those teardrop shaped things you see behind motorcycles and Mini Coopers.) Many of them were home-built. Too small for us since we plan on living in ours. But we realized the potential for this part of our ministry. God was really speaking to us. And so it begins... (Shannon)

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

When tragedy strikes

                I was recently watching an interview with Ray Comfort. He and another guy were talking about how America seems to have turned her back on God. He also noted how churches get flooded with people after a tragedy like 9/11 or hurricane Katrina. But he also pointed out how soon after the dust has settled the crowd goes away again. And he said that these people come in seeking comfort and the reason they disappear so soon is that they leave without any real conversion experience with the Holy Spirit. And I am inclined to agree.
                Well it just so happens that I have a theory about this phenomenon (not surprising, right?). I believe the problem is two-fold. The first problem is that people who claim to have little or no faith in the “True and Living God” have an inborn sense of the truth, whether they admit it or not. God has given everyone a certain degree of light. Just enough that we choose to either seek more of that light or reject it completely. When tragedy strikes these non-believers are drawn to seek that little light they deny. So they attend church for a brief period. They soon leave because the tragedy passes and their fear and concern subside. The reason they soon walk away with no real conversion is that too many Pastors stop preaching the real Gospel immediately after a tragedy and they revert to some watered down message about God’s love, peace, and comfort. The people get no conviction of sin. They don’t hear the truth about human depravity. Instead they get a “comforting” message, a “feel-good” message. They need to hear the truth. They need to be made aware that we as humans are doomed to a most miserable eternity. Then they should be informed that we do have one hope. And that one hope is found in Christ alone. Remember that the “Good news” that Jesus died to give us life, is no news at all if we don’t know we are spiritually dead (John 10:10). And if we as Pastors, preachers, Evangelists, and congregations are praying for their souls, then the Holy Spirit would be more likely to convict them of their sin. Maybe a better way to say it would be that they would better understand what that conviction is when it comes. Then they would be more likely to turn to Christ and find a real conversion. They wouldn’t disappear so soon if that would happen.
                But, so I’m not accused of placing all the blame on Pastors, let me get to the second part of the problem (although this part can also be blamed on watered down preaching). These non-believers have a misconception about God. Yes God is loving. In fact, He is the very essence of love (1 John 4:8). And He does want to comfort them and give them peace (John 14:6 & 14:27). But in order to find those things from God we must first find God. God promised that if we are truly seeking Him, we will find Him. You will seek Me and find Me when you search for Me with all your heart.” Jeremiah 29:13. So in addition to watered down preaching, the problem stems from people who are not seeking God. They seek peace. They seek comfort. They seek answers to tough questions. They seek blessings and restoration. But they do not seek God. There is a big difference. And all these other things will only be found by finding God. But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be added to you.” Matthew 6:33.
                So to solve the problem we all need to be making two things clear. We need to make it well known that our God is someone well worth seeking. Don’t just seek God for answers, blessings, peace, and comfort. Seek God to find God. The second thing that needs to be made evident is that we are born into this world as sinners. And as sinners we are separated from God. We cannot do anything to reconcile ourselves to God. But Jesus died and rose again to offer us reconciliation with our Creator God. After we are reconciled to God He can then give us His peace, comfort, and understanding. When people genuinely find God, then they will stay instead of disappearing back into the world they came from. (See 2 Corinthians 5:17-19 and Philippians 4:7)
I hope this will inspire some of you.
Peace and blessings,

Evangelist W. Shannon Caplinger

Monday, June 24, 2013

Our Mission

I have been struggling to find the next appropriate subject for the blog. Right now there are many things on my heart and mind. I am reminded almost every minute of the day that God has been far too good to me. I can’t begin to list all the blessings here. In fact, I can’t even count them all. But I will mention how wonderful it is to have a wife who so loves both me and God. I am truly blessed to have a God-centered marriage and such a wonderful “help mate”. I have also been greatly blessed with two beautiful daughters that I never thought I would have. (Biologically they are my stepdaughters but you can’t tell that to my heart.) And I have a great Christian Mom and a terrific sister both of whom I know have faith in my God and are a source of inspiration. But my greatest blessing is that I know God has purchased me and has adopted me into His family. To list any more blessings would be the beginning of an endless list.

1 Thessalonians 5:18 in everything give thanks; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus”.

                I should also tell you that the Bible study I am teaching seems to be going quite well. Both my men’s share group and the Adult Bible study class at church seem to be getting a lot out of it. But I really have to give credit to Francis Chan and David Platt for such a great book and resource, “Multiply”. The study I am leading is taken directly from the book and I encourage everyone to get a copy. “Disciples making Disciples” is what it is all about. And it is at the heart of the Christian life. It’s also my life’s ambition. So really, leading the study is pretty easy because the material is so good and so Biblically accurate.

Matthew 4:19…Follow Me, and I will make you fishers of men”.

                The other thing that God has laid on my heart and on my wife’s heart is our own ministry. We have been seeking to serve God together any way that we can. Some endeavors are successful and some are not. But we learn from all of them. After months of prayer we are convinced that God is calling us into the Evangelism/Missionary field here in the USA. We believe this to be our vocational calling. We are full of excitement and sometimes a little nervous. Walking by faith is easy when you have a crystal clear vision of where you are going. But when the light on the path barely reaches past your toes it’s a little more challenging. We continue to pray as we begin starting a campground ministry. We see our local community as a mission field. But we also see people at campgrounds who need to hear the Gospel of Christ just as much. Right now we are trying to reach both while we continue to serve in our home church. My wife has begun building a website that should go public pretty soon. We are looking into graphics for the camper, Christian garden flags for the campsites, tracts, T-shirts, and the list goes on. We are also both continuing our education online. Of course we spend time in the Scriptures and do a lot of praying. We expect (enthusiastically) that we will also be helping to establish and/or reestablish campground chapels as well as visiting other churches for revivals or special events. I will actually be getting back in the pulpit in July. I haven’t done a pulpit sermon since 2008 so I’m a little excited about that. Basically we are looking into every opportunity God puts in front of us. And when there are times that we see no such opportunity we still seek them out. We really don’t look for the ministry to be “fully established” for a couple years. It is all being done for His honor and glory anyway and it will come to fruition when He says, “It is time”. But at least God has given us a goal to work towards while we continue to seek hard after Him. And who knows? Maybe we will get to see some of you on the road soon. Remember us in your prayers and may God bless you greatly.

Mark 16:15 “…Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation”.

Deuteronomy 28:12The Lord will open for you His good storehouse, the heavens, to give rain to your land in its season and to bless all the work of your hand…”

Psalm 90:17Let the favor of the Lord our God be upon us; And confirm for us the work of our hands; Yes, confirm the work of our hands”.

       Peace and blessings,

       Evangelist, W. Shannon Caplinger

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Not all Baptists are Baptists

 John 4:1 “Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God, because many false prophets have gone out into the world.”

The Apostle John warns us not to believe everything we hear. Not even from the pulpit! We know there are different understandings of some of the difficult passages in the Bible. We know there are going to be different understandings as to how exactly the Bible applies to us; Hence the number of different denominations in America. But every true Christian knows that the Bible is our written source of truth. It was divinely inspired by God and was written just as the Spirit led the writers to write it. It contains no errors. The only errors that arise are the result of our flawed understanding of God and His word. The Bible has authority because it is the word of the true and living God, Creator of the Universe. The Apostle Paul also warned us in 2 Timothy 4:3 that there would come preachers and teachers who would ignore sound doctrine and teach lies. That’s why we are told to study the Bible so that we can avoid being led astray by false teachers.
I am writing this because I have just had the experience of running across a whole denomination hiding the reality of who they are. They are wolves in sheep’s clothing. They call themselves “American Baptists”. But they are not really American Baptists. Now Baptists are traditionally known for taking God at His word. They are generally conservative although sometimes to varying degrees. They hold the Bible to be sacred and of the highest authority. But, as I sadly discovered, not all Baptist churches are true Baptists. The case in this example is a discovery about “American Baptist” Churches. I was doing some research on my Mom’s church because she was alarmed at what the new pastor was teaching. To make a long story short, I found out that her church is not a member of “The American Baptist Association”. As it turns out they belong to the “American Baptists of the USA”(And yes I noticed the redundancy in the name itself). This group is terribly liberal. They ordain women pastors (something real Baptists frown upon). They also believe that the Bible is outdated and is only used as a guideline. Each individual church within the organization can interpret it however they want. That’s a serious danger sign. The problem with all this is if we can’t trust God’s word to be His infallible word then how do we know anything about Him or His Son or what He expects of us? It’s heresy.
I guess my point is two-fold. We have to immerse ourselves in God’s word so we will know the truth. And we need to do our research. Don’t just assume by the sign out front that a church teaches what you believe to be true. There are wolves hiding everywhere.
Be blessed,

Evangelist, W. Shannon Caplinger 

Friday, June 14, 2013


It’s been way too long since I have posted anything. Sorry for the long absence. I didn’t realize I had been M.I.A. since 2011. A lot has happened since then. I went on my Pilgrim walk at the Walk to Emmaus in Newark Ohio. I began my education toward a degree in Theology.  I am married to a wonderful Christian wife and have two terrific stepdaughters. My wife and I teach the 5-8 grade Sunday-school. We tried a stint as Youth Directors but God showed us in a few short months that it wasn’t our calling. I am now teaching the Adult Bible study on Wednesday nights. I am leading the same study in my men’s share group. I am in the process of transferring from Liberty University to Lancaster Bible College to finish my degree. My Bible collection has grown to 110 Bibles and New Testaments. After much prayer my wife and I bought a camper and plan to begin a camping ministry. We believe we will eventually be living out of the camper as we travel and Evangelize as we go. We are about 95% sure that God is calling us into Vocational Evangelism. We are still praying for more direction as we prepare as much as we know how at this point. I’ll write a new blog post soon.
Until then, peace and blessings to you all.
