Tuesday, July 2, 2013

When tragedy strikes

                I was recently watching an interview with Ray Comfort. He and another guy were talking about how America seems to have turned her back on God. He also noted how churches get flooded with people after a tragedy like 9/11 or hurricane Katrina. But he also pointed out how soon after the dust has settled the crowd goes away again. And he said that these people come in seeking comfort and the reason they disappear so soon is that they leave without any real conversion experience with the Holy Spirit. And I am inclined to agree.
                Well it just so happens that I have a theory about this phenomenon (not surprising, right?). I believe the problem is two-fold. The first problem is that people who claim to have little or no faith in the “True and Living God” have an inborn sense of the truth, whether they admit it or not. God has given everyone a certain degree of light. Just enough that we choose to either seek more of that light or reject it completely. When tragedy strikes these non-believers are drawn to seek that little light they deny. So they attend church for a brief period. They soon leave because the tragedy passes and their fear and concern subside. The reason they soon walk away with no real conversion is that too many Pastors stop preaching the real Gospel immediately after a tragedy and they revert to some watered down message about God’s love, peace, and comfort. The people get no conviction of sin. They don’t hear the truth about human depravity. Instead they get a “comforting” message, a “feel-good” message. They need to hear the truth. They need to be made aware that we as humans are doomed to a most miserable eternity. Then they should be informed that we do have one hope. And that one hope is found in Christ alone. Remember that the “Good news” that Jesus died to give us life, is no news at all if we don’t know we are spiritually dead (John 10:10). And if we as Pastors, preachers, Evangelists, and congregations are praying for their souls, then the Holy Spirit would be more likely to convict them of their sin. Maybe a better way to say it would be that they would better understand what that conviction is when it comes. Then they would be more likely to turn to Christ and find a real conversion. They wouldn’t disappear so soon if that would happen.
                But, so I’m not accused of placing all the blame on Pastors, let me get to the second part of the problem (although this part can also be blamed on watered down preaching). These non-believers have a misconception about God. Yes God is loving. In fact, He is the very essence of love (1 John 4:8). And He does want to comfort them and give them peace (John 14:6 & 14:27). But in order to find those things from God we must first find God. God promised that if we are truly seeking Him, we will find Him. You will seek Me and find Me when you search for Me with all your heart.” Jeremiah 29:13. So in addition to watered down preaching, the problem stems from people who are not seeking God. They seek peace. They seek comfort. They seek answers to tough questions. They seek blessings and restoration. But they do not seek God. There is a big difference. And all these other things will only be found by finding God. But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be added to you.” Matthew 6:33.
                So to solve the problem we all need to be making two things clear. We need to make it well known that our God is someone well worth seeking. Don’t just seek God for answers, blessings, peace, and comfort. Seek God to find God. The second thing that needs to be made evident is that we are born into this world as sinners. And as sinners we are separated from God. We cannot do anything to reconcile ourselves to God. But Jesus died and rose again to offer us reconciliation with our Creator God. After we are reconciled to God He can then give us His peace, comfort, and understanding. When people genuinely find God, then they will stay instead of disappearing back into the world they came from. (See 2 Corinthians 5:17-19 and Philippians 4:7)
I hope this will inspire some of you.
Peace and blessings,

Evangelist W. Shannon Caplinger


  1. very well put! I agree that too many of Gods people are sleeping on the job. We need to wake up and preach the word of God with less reservations. I know that you can't hammer people 24/7 but when there is a tragedy, we need to make sure the lost are getting the message, not just coddled.
