Sunday, July 20, 2014

Turn back the battle at the gate

    Isaiah 28:5-6, “In that day the LORD of hosts will be For a crown of glory and a diadem of beauty To the remnant of His people,  For a spirit of justice to him who sits in judgment,  And for strength to those who turn back the battle at the gate” (NKJV).
This verse speaks directly to the people of Judah. God is going to bring judgment against them for their pride and idolatry. But with God justice is followed by protection and blessing. God’s justice is total. Isaiah is telling the people that God has spoken. Amidst the just punishment of the wicked there will be a remnant. There will be people who will repent turning to Yahweh and they will cling to Him. God’s promise here is that although He is going to orchestrate divine judgment, once that judgment has run its course, He will turn and deliver His remnant. Those who hold fast to Him will turn back the adversary and chase them right out the city gate. This is God’s total justice; chastisement for the wicked and salvation for the faithful.
We live in a world today where the wickedness of world leaders is clearly evident. And we see in too many churches a “falling away” from the truth of God’s word. This is a form of surrender. Even the religious leaders are too concerned with their own status, their own reputation, to stand for the truth. It is a combination of pride and a fear of offending the wicked that has led to this apostasy. And the adversary is taking full advantage of these holes in the wall. But we also see hope. We see a few who are standing up for Jesus and proclaiming the truth. We may not be popular with the world, but we are God’s chosen. And we have the responsibility of chasing the adversary back out the gates of our city. There is no time for apathy. This is not a time to sit back and watch the battle as it escalates and gains precious ground. We are to stand and fight.
But we must remember that unlike the day of the above prophecy, we are not in a military conflict with flesh and blood. We are in the midst of an intense Spiritual battle (Ephesians 6:12). If we turn our attitude from self-pity to optimism we will see the pockets of resistance being held by our brethren. We see the victories in the Name of The Lord showing up here and there. God has not forsaken us (Hebrews 13:5). We must come to the aid of our fighting brethren as members of the family of God. Our first response must be an act of repentance immediately followed by intentional and expectant prayer. Through prayer we will gain the strength and direction to boldly proclaim the Name of The Lord. Although this prophecy speaks to Judah just over 700 years before Christ, God is still God and He never changes (Hebrews 13:8). So this leaves us a principle character trait of our God. And in this way it still applies to us today. The resistance will grow. We will reclaim precious ground. And we will “turn back the battle at the gate”.

Be blessed my friends. Re. W.S. Caplinger C.E.

Friday, July 11, 2014

Discouraged yet Encouraged

I guess things are going well enough. Since going full-time we have been plagued with mechanical problems. Thanks be to God that they have all been relatively minor and not involved the drivetrain. And I get discouraged that the people we try to talk to who aren’t already Christians don’t want to talk about it. But Bernie continues to point out that an Evangelist is also responsible for encouraging The Church. And we do seem to be having success in that area. I know some talk about how “easy” it is to lead someone to Christ. But I will not push the issue. Jesus did teach us not to cast pearls before swine (Matthew 7:6). And I refuse to give out some easy believing, watered down, “just let Jesus be your savior and the rest will come later” kind of message. I do not want to be responsible for making “false converts”. My God deserves better than that. People cannot and will not come to Christ for salvation until they understand they are lost and in need of The Savior. And I will not teach salvation without repentance. Yes our God loves us and wants to save us. He paid the ultimate price to offer us this salvation. But He is Holy, Righteous, Sovereign, and Just. He deserves a bit of reverence. And if people can’t accept that God then then they are rejecting the True and Living God. And I will not be responsible for their folly. So we continue to do all we can and let the Spirit guide us. God will open doors where and when it is time. And they will be doors “no man can shut”. Peace and blessings, Rev. W.S. Caplinger C.E.