Saturday, July 20, 2013

God is marking out our steps.

As we continue to move forward with the ministry God is calling us into we can see the evidence of His involvement. This week I was invited to a men’s leadership meeting at church. The big outcome of the meeting is that we are going to be in fervent prayer. I was to the point about the fact that we cannot expect God to revive our church if we aren’t willing to pray. It all has to be bathed in prayer. Charles Spurgeon was asked to what did he attribute his success as a preacher, other than God? His reply was “The Boiler Room”. In the basement of the Metropolitan Tabernacle was a large room under the pulpit. It is said that on some Sundays there were 500 people sitting there while he preached upstairs. And they spent the service praying for the Spirit to be there.
The next day I was talking to my friends at the Good News Bookstore. My wife pointed out a new book and said that it looked like it was what I had talked about the night before. We put the book down and I took my wife to work. I decided to go back and get the book. But when I got back to the store I was handed a letter. In short, my wife and I were being asked to come alongside the bookstore as prayer partners and we were given a copy of that same book I was there to buy. The book is called’ “The Circle Maker” by Mark Batterson. I picked my wife up from work and drove straight back to the book store. We stood in the store with two of our friends there and one other member of the prayer partner team and we held hands and prayed. I felt God moving as much right then as I have in any church service in a long time.
Next I felt the Spirit moving me to organize a Community Revival. That is in the works and I will post more on that later. But while talking that plan over with my wife I just suddenly felt compelled to go on a Prayer Walk the next morning. I shot out a few invites on FaceBook and at 7am Saturday morning I met with my mom, our associate Pastor, and another local Pastor. We walked around the County Courthouse while we prayed for revival in our community, our churches, and our lives. My wife and a few others who were unable to attend were praying for us at the same time. Once again, despite our small numbers, God spoke. And the four of us agreed to meet bimonthly and commit to praying for Revival. And we expect the numbers to grow as we continue to dedicate ourselves to seeing God’s Holy Spirit move in our town.
And I will end with what is exciting news for me. We have been taking steps in our ministry to follow God and now, we have organized a not-for-profit religious organization named, the “Have God Will Travel Evangelism Association”. We have finally launched our official website at and are seeing the page views climb daily. God is blessing our efforts. And we continue to be a witness, a testimony, an example, or a blessing to others. Our ongoing goal is to bring honor and glory to His great name. Amen.
Peace and blessings,

Ev. W. Shannon Caplinger

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