Sunday, January 2, 2011


I almost decided to ignore the change in the calendar and just post a normal blog. 2010 has been a particularly cruddy year for me and my family. I'm glad it's gone and I'm ready for a better year. But I was reading my dictionary, (yes I know I'm weird) and I noticed this;

2. decision:
3. determination:
8. music harmonic progression: the musical progression from a dissonant to a consonant chord or note firmness of mind or
purpose a firm decision to do something

…and so decided on this blog.

I wasn't going to make any New Year's Resolutions this year. I once heard someone say that a New Year's Resolution is just a way of making a promise to ourselves that we know we will not keep so we can spend another year feeling guilty about what we didn't do. But I have decided once again to make a short list of things I intend to do differently this year. As a Christian I have to say that if we are truly saved then we should already be resolved to love, obey, trust, and follow God. In my mind that is what salvation is like. I'm not trying to undermine Ephesians 2:8-9. We are certainly saved by grace through faith alone. But I think being "resolved" to follow God is what happens when we find that faith. (Read The Pilgrim's Progress by John Bunyan.) And if you are not a born again follower of Christ I recommend you consider starting your New Year off by "resolving" that issue. However, in light of the 8th definition of "Resolution" I would say there is a unique application to Christianity. We need to be growing ever closer to God through Christ and His Holy Spirit. (Romans 6:4) We are kind of like a dissonant chord. (A dissonant chord is "unpleasant to hear" or "conflicting: incompatible or inconsistent.") We are not exactly like Christ. But we are to be growing in His image. (Ephesians 2:10, Jeremiah 18:2-6, Isaiah 64:8) That would be like making the gradual progression from a dissonant chord to the perfect consonant chord He means for us to be. (2 Peter 3:18) So instead of making promises to myself I know I can't keep I am going to look for ways to find that harmonious growth.

The first thing I "purpose" to do this year is to read my Bible cover to cover at least two times. I have done this before but not two complete times in one consecutive 365 day period. It sounds like a lot. But it is actually not that much. There are 1,189 chapters in the Bible. That only requires reading 6.51 chapters per day to finish two times in 365 days. This will only average less than 45 minutes a day. (Note; that is 3.25 chapters per day to finish once in 365 days.)

Aside from reading my Bible I also plan to do some more detailed study. (Know indeed that there is a big difference between reading and studying.) I enjoy study and this is not anything new. But I plan to start with the Gospels and while I study I want to at the very least outline each chapter. I hope to have time to do a verse by verse commentary. This is a big goal and I will only be able to achieve it if God permits.

I have other things on my list. There are many things I am praying about. And many loose ends in my life that I would like to find some answers to. But these two general items will be enough to get me started in the right direction. So much of everything is really in God's hands anyway. I hope 2011 is a great year for you all. May it be a year of discovering more of our great and mighty God.

Peace and blessings to you.

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