Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Are we Two or One?

    Well I've been thinking again. Yeah…scary sometimes. But it seems to me that we miss the point on a lot of Scripture. And what comes to my mind now is one that will probably be met with a bit of controversy mixed with offense. In the Gospels of Matthew and Mark, Jesus quotes Genesis 2:24 saying, “and the two shall become one flesh; so they are no longer two, but one flesh” (Mark 10:8 NASB) (Also see Matthew 19:5). Well the legalists use this to say that it is a sin for a couple to get a divorce. First let me say that I agree that marriage is a serious matter that should not be entered into lightly. And divorce should be considered carefully and never be used as a casual exit to a relationship just because we get bored with each other. God takes marriage seriously. But this leads me to another point. Who said that just because two people get married and have sex God must automatically consider them “one flesh”? That term is not a term for the consummation of vows. Nor is it a term for the physical act of sex (contrary to what some teach). It is a description of something that God causes to happen in the Spiritual realm. Now, being that we know God takes marriage seriously, and knowing also that we are in no position to tell God what to do, how do we know God joined the two and made them one flesh? Isn't this a decision for God to make in His sovereignty? So just because a couple gets married and has sex does not automatically mean that they are joined together by God, even if the priest says they are! (Want to argue with that? Then tell me your fundamental view on gay marriage.) So isn't it a possibility that there may be married people whom God has not joined together? If so, and one is willing to put his/her relationship with God first, and the other is not…then could a divorce be an option for the believer to protect his/her relationship with God? That’s a stretch maybe…but worth thinking about.

     But don't get hung up yet. None of that was my point. Forgive me for taking you down that little side road. But that is the train of thought that led to this one: If we truly are one flesh (person) in the eyes of God, then we should act just as unified in the way we let others see us. Now I’m stepping on some different toes. I know couples who insist on keeping everything separate. They have separate bank accounts, separate vacations, even separate churches! How healthy can such a relationship truly be? Well now I have to get even more picky. What about separate social media accounts? I know…My wife and I have them too. And to be honest, I kinda wish we didn’t. How many times have you ever had that little suspicious, jealous voice in the back of your head find its way to your mouth and ask your spouse, “So who is that friend?” “When did you meet that person?” “Who are you chatting with?” All are innocent questions in and of themselves. But can you see what kind of trouble it can lead to? Can you read those and see the beginning of an argument?

     And what about being “one”? If we are no longer two individuals in God’s eyes then why are we two individuals in the world’s eyes? And you know what makes it even worse? We are two individuals in each other’s eyes! I’m not just picking on social media. This mindset creeps over to other areas of our lives as well. But the illustration of social networking sites just makes the picture seem much more clear to me the more I think about it. So what am I going to do? Well…I think the first thing is get rid of some of those accounts I don’t need. I should also sort through my “friends” list. But it seems another good idea is to talk to my wife. We actually have a joint account we don’t use. Maybe we should open it back up? Maybe we should invite our actual friends to that account and get rid of the individual ones? I’m not sure myself at this point. But this much I do know; it needs to be bathed in prayer. What do you think? I hope this was good food for thought. I got some praying to do.
     Peace and blessings, Shannon

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